Prepared Not Scared

Our Relief Society and Priesthood lessons were based on talks given by church leaders on being prepared. I am including a link to

One sister in Relief Society mentioned the Church's Home Storage Center (Bishop's Storehouse) in New Jersey, where you can go back and purchase for your personal food storage supply. Here is the list of what is available. Our Home Storage Center is located at 121 Ethel Rd W Unit 7 Piscataway , New Jersey 08854 Phone(732) 248-7728.

As you know as a Relief Society we have been turning back to "basics" such as food storage, break making, gardening and basic sewing coming in May. If you have other ideas or talents that you could share, please let us know. We are here to strengthen and support each other. If you are an expert in canning, for instance, perhaps you would like to teach another sister in her own home how to can, etc.

There will be a ward activity on Saturday, April 16th at 6 p.m. focusing more on being prepared.

I was sent this You Tube video by my daughter, Stacey, and thought you might enjoy it and hear the testimonies of others who have followed the Lord's commands.


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